Sunday, February 05, 2006

Beautiful February

Its a beautiful Saturday morning in February, my favorite month of the year. I feel like going out for a long walk, but assignments which are due next week hold me back. I start working on them and soon find them pretty interesting. I am solving this Networks problems and one of them was "whats the width of a bit in meters?" and i am like what??, am i reading it correctly?..i confirm that thats what is asked and soon find out what it means intuitively.

I had a voice chat with kary and we had fun using traceroute finding where the common web servers were "physically" located. I had a cup full of Butter Pecan icecream too. The night ended with a movie "From here to eternity" one of the oldies (black and white) based on Pearl Harbor. It was enuf to put me to sleep.

More when I wake up!

1 comment:

Abhijit Deodhar said...

well it actually depends on ur bandwidth and propagation speed of the link!

Any further guess.. plug in values for these, look up our CN book for formulas!!